Jewish stuff at ChaiSpace!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Let The Voting Begin!

The voting for the 2005 JIB Awards is officially open! Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to vote- to vote for me. To vote for me in every category I am nominated in. To vote every three days (as per the rules) and help me win one of the coveted "winner banner thingies". Should you succeed in this mission you will be rewarded with more great posts by me. Should you fail, you will still be rewarded with more great posts by me! So really you have nothing to lose. Accept the mission! To quote someone famous: "Tis better to have tried and failed then never to have tried at all". Wait, I think that quote was about love, not trying. No matter. Just vote.

Below are the links to make your voting easier. While you are there check out some of the other worthy blog nominations. And spread the word- help get more Jewish and Israeli blogs known to the world.


At 12:12 AM, January 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i found some news on your blog

At 11:24 PM, January 10, 2006, Blogger Aaron said...

It may be my lack of understanding arabic, but i don't think I saw your blog mentioned

Aaron L

At 11:40 PM, January 21, 2006, Blogger Aaron said...

It seems to me you finished third in most of the categories.....


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